Packaging of the Year celebrates the unsung hero of sneaker culture, the box. While sneakers are the centrepiece, the packaging they come in is a canvas for creativity, storytelling, and innovation. Great packaging doesn’t just protect the shoes, it adds to the experience, turning a simple unboxing into a moment of anticipation and awe.
In 2024, the best packaging designs did more than hold sneakers; they told stories. From intricate details and bold graphics to materials that pushed the boundaries of sustainability and design, these boxes became works of art in their own right. Whether it’s a nod to cultural history, a playful design twist, or an extension of the sneaker’s concept, thoughtful packaging elevates the entire release.
The box is often the first thing we see, setting the tone for what’s inside. For collectors, it’s not just about holding the shoes, it’s an extension of the sneaker itself. From Friends and Family designs to collaborations with artists, brands have transformed packaging into an essential part of the culture, proving that every detail, no matter how small, plays a role in shaping the overall experience.
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