Most shoes can be cleaned easily, apart from suede and nubuck, and brands like Jason Mark Sneak Spply, Crep Protect and Liquiproof have worked tirelessly to create the perfect formula to remove those tough stains you get from hitting the pavement. With so much on the market, it’s easy to think that the most popular brands are best, but there’s a lot to be considered. The brand leaders, Jason Markk, offer an incredibly clean almost luxurious aesthetic that works well with a small pot of water and a lot of elbow grease. Sneak Spply on the other hand offers a no water, no mess solution relying completely on the solution alone and leaving considerably less mess. We recommend trying them all and seeing which works best but our preference is pretty clear.
– Suede Brush

Suede and nubuck is a beast in itself. They require careful tools to prevent irreversible damage and that’s where the Suede Brush/Block comes in. Configured to be a hard substance to help bring out those tough dirt marks that are ingrained the Crep Protect Block works best. We have tried the brushes from others but for tough stains, first you need something that hits hard. Once the marks have been removed, use a soft dry brush to buff the suede, and voila. This is a bit of a trial-and-error thing so I’d recommend practicing on your beaters first.
– Protection Spray

Seen by some as a bit of a gimmick, protection spray really gets a worse rap than it deserves. Spraying twice and then leaving to dry before leaving the house is important for effective coverage and isn’t a cover-all but definitely protects your grails. Using a good protection spray like Sneak Spply or Crep Protect will help with your cleaning too and help prevent damage. Not magic, but preventative for sure
– Shoe Trees

Definitely the one that we use the most. Padding out the toe box of your shoe is imperative to keep its shape. Ikea comes in clutch here offering a wooden version that is incredibly affordable especially for us with our hundreds of shoes. Whilst cleaning, it’s important to fill your shoes with padding or a shoe tree to prevent damage, so there’s a secondary benefit too. The look of the spring whilst on display is a nice aesthetic benefit, and we can only say these come first if wanting to keep your shoes fresh, comfortable and wearable.
– Storage Area

We’ve all seen @MikePairs and his sneaker wall. These displays look incredible when displaying hundreds of pairs but the dust is unbearable. The most practical way to store your shoes is in their boxes but over time these will collapse and damage resulting in a pile of shoes and a complete mess. For us a storage box is the answer and brands like SNEAK SPPLY offer crates with and without lights. They are universal so can be used together and are cost effective with bulk deals available.
Let us know your thoughts in the comments, and join our discord community through the link at the bottom of this page. Feel free to dm us on socials for any further advice you may need! We are here to help 🤝
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